Reform of Casa de la Candelaria could see Carrer L’Escola permanently closed to vehicles

The council may consider pedestrianisation to reduce noise and vibration from vehicles which may contribute to further deterioration of the historic building.


Thursday 6th October 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Carlos López (XAD)

The Casa de la Candelaria, also known as Casa dels Xolbi, has been waiting for a comprehensive reform for years. Until that arrives, and while the cables are removed from the façade and the building is consolidated so that it does not sink, the local council is already thinking about the day when it is finally consolidated and reformed, a moment when, in order to preserve its splendour, it could be necessary to permanently close Carrer de L’Escola to vehicles.

This was revealed after a debate during the plenary session of the local council held a few days ago between the PP councillor Juanjo García and the councillor responsible for Town Planning, Pepa Gisbert after Xàbia AL DÍA reported that the tender process for the removal of the cables from the façade of this historic house had attracted no offers.

Gisbert explained that the local council has already received “part of the reform execution project” for its consolidation, a project that, according to her, “did not include the archaeological excavations nor had anything planned regarding the electricity substation” that is located next to the historic building in Carrer L’Oreto opposite Plaza del Maestro Vicente de Gracia.

She explained that the architect has to present the annex and once they have done so then “we will approve it and we will see it in commission”. Regarding the removal of the cables, Gisbert explained that the tender process attracted no offers “because the companies did not discover it” (it was convened in the middle of August) and added that they have ordered that it be convened again, assuring that “it is not due to price”.

But García insisted on the rush that the local government now has to act to consolidate and reform a building that has been like this “for more than six years” and criticized that nothing had been done in these years.

In July, the town hall had to urgently hire a specialized company to reinforce the façade with two large anchors and prevent it from collapsing into the road. In addition, other works were contracted with Contratas Vilor, who are also constructing the municipal swimming pool. for around 7,500 euros. Carrer de l’Escola was also closed to vehicles but a small corridor opened for pedestrians.

However, the councillor for Town Planning revealed that is that once the house has been reformed “they will have to think about whether they will have to close the road to vehicles” and consider pedestrianisation to prevent the noise and continuous passage of vehicles from further contributing to its deterioration. “It is an Asset of Local Relevance and must be protected,” concluded the councilor, who nevertheless added that this decision will be made in the future.

Original Article: La calle Escoles podría cerrarse al paso de coches una vez concluya la reforma de la Casa Candelaria

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