Ecologist pressure group unfolds banner against discharges into the sea in Xàbia
The pressure group claims that sewage and wastewater in discharged into the sea in Xàbia.

Tuesday 29th June 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith
A boat from Ecologistas en Acción stopped in Xàbia at the weekend in order to raise awareness of the discharges into the sea through the outfall at the mouth of the Canal.
The pressure group unfurled a banner with the message “Stop a los vertidos contaminantes al mar” – “Stop polluting discharges into the sea” – at the point where this outfall is located, an infrastructure which, according to some sources, broke down at the end of the summer, although this can’t be confirmed by the Ministry of Agriculture as it has failed to respond to an email sent by XAD requesting information on the subject.
Ecologistas en Acción pointed out that there is “sewage and wastewater” discharged into the sea and said that this is “especially evident in times of heavy rains” when the coast is covered in wet wipes.