Young chess players Mateo Gómez, Noa Mulet and Anna Klimovskaya qualify for regional final
The three youngsters will now compete against the elite of the Comunidad Valenciana.

Tuesday 8th June 2021 – XÀBIA AL DÍA with Mike Smith
Young chess players from the Marina Alta – Mateo Gómez, Noa Mulet and Anna Klimovskaya – have qualified from the regional final of the Jocs Esportius d’Escacs in their categories after zonal heats held last weekend in Gandía.
Matéo Gomez Valencia (Club d’Escacs Xàbia) competed in the Under-16s whilst Anna Klimovskaya (Club de Ajedrez Calpe) and Noa Mulet Salvà (Escuela de Ajedrez de Gata de Gorgos) competed in the Under-14s. All three represented the Marina Alta in the Provincial Zones of Dénia and Alcoy heats and all qualified for the regional finals joining the elite chess players in the Comunidad Valenciana.
A statement from the Club d’Escacs Xàbia said that chess is “a great tool to work and train kids as people as it transmits education in values and coexistence, improves school performance, forcing them to elaborate and develop personal concentration strategies, ehancing creativity, logical reasoning, cognitive training, problem solving, self-esteem, interest in work and independence”.
It also “improves self-control and the level of knowledge in any discipline, helps to related to others respecting rules and action turns, valueing them as rivals and companions, reducing conflicts among students and promoting greater integration of children in schools.”