Xàbia will launch new social employment plan in 2023
Some one million euros has been reserved for this initiative whilst the plenary session also approved the project for the second sports centre.

Friday 28th October 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia
The town hall in Xàbia will be launching a new social employment plan in 2023, the fourth edition of an initiative which will offer around fifty jobs in the maintenance of public spaces, forest cleaning, and cleaning-caretaking roles in municipal building. A modification of the municipal budget was unanimously approved at the latest plenary session to allocate 1.1 million euros to this support project for the long-term unemployed in the town.
The budget modification also included 480,000 euros for the purchase of land in the Catarroges area which is attached to the plot that is currently being used as a green waste transfer site. This will enable the town hall to expand the facility, which is included within the industrial estate, to adapt the plant and provide a premises for the municipal brigades.
The budget modification included several other items, including the 320,000 euros annual contribution to the Marina Alta Waste Consortium, which manages the waste generated in urban areas in the Marina Alta and Marina Baja, 192,000 euros to face the rise in the price of electricity, and 108,000 euros as the municipal contribution to the liquidation of the Partial Development Plan for the Pi Ver zone.
During the plenary session, the project to construct a second sports centre in the Freginal zone was unanimously approved. With a budget of 8.3 million euros, the new centre will costs of two large sports halls covering some 4,500 square metres, providing facilities for futsal, handball, roller hockey, volleyball and basketball competition on one, and martial arts, rhythmic and artistic gymnastics in the other. A climbing area will also be provided, with a wall and bouldering area, which a functional training and CrossFit area has also been proposed.
The meeting also endorsed the Municipal Youth Plan, a document that includes the municipal strategy to meet the needs and demands of young people in Xàbia.
Finally, the meeting was informed of the decision of Marta Bañuls, the councillor responsible for the economic development and for the port zone, to resign for personal reasons, a procedure that was made effective on Friday morning.
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