Xàbia police renew VIOGEN agreement and prepare for Easter week
A special police presence will include access controls and surveillance for Easter week.

PHOTO CREDIT: Ajuntament de Xàbia
Monday 22nd March 2021 | PRESS RELEASE, translation MIKE SMITH
Xàbia Council held an online meeting of the local security board today, a recurring session which brings together the different security bodies that work with the population in the municipality to coordinate their resources.
The meeting was attended by mayor José Chulvi, councillor Pepa Gisbert (Security) and Araceli Poblador, the Government sub-delegate in the Alicante Provincial Council.
One of the main points of the meeting was the renewal of the VIOGEN agreement, a collaboration protocol between the Policía Local and the Guardia Civil to work together for the protection of victims of gender violence, authorizing local officers to monitor detected cases as well as in the analysis and prevention of the risk. Xàbia has been part of this network since 2013 and has two experienced officers dedicated to these roles.
The meeting also reviewed and analyzed the security situation in Xàbia, a town that has maintained crime rates below the national and regional averages for several years.
As part of this review, the control of the specific containment measures for COVID-19 has been one of the main challenges for the security forces over the past year. With the approach of Easter, both the Guardia Civil and the Policía Local have already started to prepare a special police presence for the holiday period, with access controls and surveillance in high-traffic areas. Both forces will be holding a specific meeting this week to finalize this operation.
Information Source
Press Release – Ajuntament de Xàbia