VIRUS UPDATE: 1 new positive detected in Xàbia
The IA rate for the Marina Alta drops below the symbolic 25 mark as downward trend continues.

This is the latest information on the status of the health situation in Xàbia, the Marina Alta, the Comunidad Valenciana and across Spain.
For more information, please refer to the links given at the bottom of the page as our report is compiled from the official figures given in these sources.
Xàbia has seen 1 new positive case detected by PCR test reported since the last update on Tuesday 9th, taking the total to 1,418 positive cases detected in Xàbia since the pandemic began. There has been no deaths since the last update, the total remains at 11. The IA rate for the town has dropped below the symbolic 25 mark as downward trend continues.
Latest Data (10/03/2021)
14-Day Cumulative Rate (IA): 14.49 ↓ 81% in two weeks
Positive PCR Tests in the past 14 days: 4 ↓ 73% in two weeks
Marina Alta
The Dénia Health Authority, which covers the Marina Alta region, has recorded 11 new infections detected by PCR test since the last update, bringing the total to 9,651 positive cases since the crisis began. The 14-day IA rate has fallen below the symbolic 25 mark and the Marina Alta continues to have one of the lowest rates for the whole of the Comunidad Valenciana.
The new infections have been reported in the following municipalities:
- Benissa – 3
- Calp – 2
- Dénia – 1
- Ondara – 1
- Pedreguer – 1
- Teulada – 1
- Xàbia – 1
- Xàlo – 1
There has been no new deaths since the last update and the total remains at 184 since the crisis began.
Latest Data (10/03/2021)
14-Day Cumulative Rate (IA): 23.87 ↓ 73% in two weeks
Positive PCR Tests in the past 14 days: 40 ↓ 74% in two weeks
Comunidad Valenciana
As of 11/03/2021, 300 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed through PCR or antigen tests; by province, the distribution of these new cases is 16 in Castellón, 171 in Valencia, and 112 in Alicante. In total, 382,440 positive cases have been recorded in the Comunidad Valenciana. There are currently 5 unassigned cases.
There have been a total of 6 new outbreaks of the disease across the Comunidad Valenciana, 3 in the province of Valencia and 3 in the province of Alicante, none of which were in the Marina Alta.
The origins of these new outbreaks can be assigned as follows:
- 83% social
- 17% education
Active Cases
The data shows that there are currently 5,038 active cases of COVID-19 in the Comunidad Valenciana, with represents 1.28% of the total number of positives cases recorded.
There have been 23 deaths from COVID-19, bringing the total for the Comunidad Valenciana to 6,972 people; by province, the distribution of the deaths is 770 Castellón, 3,580 Valencia, and 2,622 Alicante.
There are 663 people currently in hospitals across the Comunidad Valenciana who are being treated for the COVID-19 infection; by province, the distribution is 50 Castellón with 7 patients in ICU, 315 Valencia with 91 in ICU, and 298 Alicante with 80 in ICU.
516 new recoveries from COVID-19 have been registered; in total, 381,906 people in the Comunidad Valenciana have overcome the disease since the pandemic began.
453,107 doses of the vaccination have been administered throughout the Comunidad Valenciana. A total of 131,713 people have completed the vaccination programme in our region.
Latest IA Rate by Health Authority (10/03/2021)
↑ up on 14 days ago
↓ down on 14 days ago
88.46 – Valencia Hospital General ↓ 50%
75.51 – Alacant Hospital General ↓ 61%
72.97 – Valencia Dr.Peset ↓ 62%
71.03 – La Plana ↓ 64%
66.61 – Orihuela ↓ 53%
66.15 – Elx ↓ 71%
65.93 – Elda ↓ 69%
61.05 – Sant Joan de l’Alacant ↓ 61%
57.59 – Castelló ↓ 69%
51.28 – Valencia Arnau de Vilanova-Llíria ↓ 68%
50.67 – Manises ↓ 64%
50.32 – Valencia Clinic La Malva Rosa ↓ 64%
47.31 – Torrevieja ↓ 48%
44.73 – Elx-Crevillent ↓ 74%
43.67 – Valencia La Fe ↓ 73%
43.05 – Alcoi ↓ 62%
39.27 – La Ribera ↓ 56%
38.56 – Xàtiva-Ontinyent ↓ 79%
34.96 – Requena ↓ 58%
32.03 – Sagunt ↓ 76%
23.87 – Dénia ↓ 73%
22.66 – La Marina Baixa ↓ 77%
20.82 – Gandía ↓ 77%
15.42 – Vinaros ↓ 87%
Click below for all the regional news on the pandemic
COVID-19 News Archive – Comunidad Valenciana
As of 11/03/2021, Spain has recorded a total of 3,178,356 cases of COVID-19 infection. The 14-day IA rate1 is 132,25; it has dropped by 36% in the past two weeks. The positivity rate2 has dropped to 5.40%, a drop of 26% in the past two weeks.
There are 8,759 people currently being treated for COVID-19 in hospital, of which 1,843 are in ICU wards. As of 11/03/2021, 6.99% of general wards and 22.40% of ICU beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients.
As of 11/03/2021, 72,085 people have lost their lives to COVID-19.
As of 11/03/2021, 5,172,106 doses of the vaccination have been administered throughout the country – 4,186,821 Pfizer/BioNtech, 215,870 Modena, and 769,415 AstraZeneca/Oxford – representing 77.7% of all vaccines delivered to Spain. A total of 1,503,258 people have completed the two-dose vaccination course with the Pfizer/BioNtech and Modena vaccines, representing 29.1% of vaccines already administered.
Latest IA Rate by Autonomous Region (11/03/2021)
↑ up on 14 days ago
↓ down on 14 days ago
409.31 – Melilla ↓ 5%
292.53 – Ceuta ↓ 6%
225.73 – Madrid ↓ 33%
178.92 – Asturias ↓ 25%
176.72 – País Vasco ↓ 36%
169.72 – Cataluña ↓ 22%
151.07 – Aragón ↓ 39%
122.30 – Andalucia ↓ 48%
120.60 – Navarra ↓ 32%
116.23 – Castilla y León ↓ 50%
115.12 – Canarias ↓ 7%
97.06 – Cantabria ↓ 34%
83.02 – Galicia ↓ 56%
78.26 – Castilla-La Mancha ↓ 47%
74.81 – La Rioja ↓ 33%
70.69 – Murcía ↓ 44%
54.12 – Comunidad Valenciana ↓ 67%
51.33 – Baleares ↓ 49%
43.83 – Extremadura ↓ 50%
EL PAÍS | 12 Mar 21 | Health Ministry corrects spike in coronavirus incidence, but epidemiological curve has plateaued
“The incidence indicators show that we are going in the right direction, but we still have a long way to go before we reach the objective of 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants”
EL PAÍS | 11 Mar 21 | Spain’s regions agree to restrict travel over Easter week, but Madrid rejects measure
The deal involves a perimetral lockdown of territories from March 26 to April 9, and from March 17 to 21 in areas where March 19 is a holiday for father’s day.
EL PAÍS | 11 Mar 21 | COVID passport: The new worlds opening up for the vaccinated
Spain supports the creation of a European Union document to ease travel for those who have been fully immunized. But the idea has raised medical and ethical concerns.
Data Explanation
1 The IA rate is the number of new cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants over the past 14 days. It is considered the most accurate measure of the spread of the virus. A rate above 250 indicates an ‘Extreme Risk’ that the infection is spreading. The aim of the Spanish government is to lower this rate to 25.
2 The positivity rate refers to the percentage of all COVID-19 tests carried out which have come back positive. A high figure means that it doesn’t take many tests to come across a positive result.