Valencia announces details of funding support for tourism sector
The window for submitting applications will begin on February 22 and end on March 22

Friday 12th February 2021 | MIKE SMITH
Funding support for the tourism sector has been officially detailed after the publication of Decreto 21/2021 of the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, dated February 5th, which sets out the rules and regulations for the granting of direct aid to individuals and companies in the sector who carry out their businesses in the Comunidad Valenciana.
Some 18 million euros in direct aid will be allocated by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana to those who offer tourist accommodation, those who act as intermediaries between the supply and demand of tourism, and to those who offer a complete tourism experience that, in terms of quality and product, provide something that distinguishes the Comunidad Valenciana from other competing destinations.
Thus, the financial assistance will be offered to individuals and companies that own tourist accommodation and travel agencies which are officially listed with the Comunidad Valenciana’s Tourism Registry as well as those who form part of any of the following tourist policy initiatives promoted by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana: CreaTurisme, SICTED, L’Exquisit Mediterrani and Mediterranew Musix.
Francesc Colomer, the Regional Secretary for Tourism, stressed that “this aid responds to the need to inject liquidity into companies in the sector at a time when they need to hold out“. He added that “these grants reflect the story and the strategy to enhance the value of the accommodation, the unique product, and those who work to offer quality tourist services which help strengthen us as a [tourist] destination“.
He also stressed that “this funding complements the Generalitat’s PLAN RESISTIR and are compatible with other grants or resources from any administrations, or national public of private entities, the European Union, or other international organisations“.
Beneficiaries of the Aid
Full details of the aid, who benefits and how much aid will be distributed, can be found in the decree, a link to which can be found below.
For owners of tourist accommodation in the region, 9.1 million euros has been allocated and will be distributed according to the size of the accommodation being offered. For example, small hotels up to 50 spaces will receive 2,500 euros whilst larger hotels with more than 800 spaces can claim 45,000 euros. Owners of hostels, pension houses, tourist apartment blocks and complexes, campsites, casa rurales, and management companies can claim between 1,000 euros and 11,000 euros.
A further 2.5 million euros has been allocated to registered travel agencies, who can claim at least 3,500 euros and up to 4,000 euros if they are a member of CreaTurisme or SICTED programmes.
And 6.4 million euros has been put aside to assist those who form part of a number of tourism policy campaigns in the region, such as CreaTurisme, SICTED, L’Exquisit Mediterrani and Mediterranew Musix, ranging from 2,500 euros to 75,000 euros.
Submission of Applications
Submission of applications will be done online and applicants should have a digital signature/certificate.
The application period opens at 12 noon on Monday 22nd February 2021 and will close at 12 noon on Monday 22nd March 2021.
The submission can be submitted electronically via the Empresas section of the Virtual Office of the Generalitat Valenciana; click here to access it.
For more information, click here to access the appropriate page on the website of Turisme Comunitat Valenciana.
Full details of the decree can be viewed in the link below:
Information Source
Press Release – Generalitat Valencia