Xàbia will guard the artistic legacy of the Lambert family

It is the intention of the town hall to prepare an exhibition to publicly display these valuable drawings and objects.

Castell Fontana_lambert

Thursday 30th March 2023
Mike Smith

The Municipal Archive of Xàbia has become a temporary custodian of the artistic legacy of the Lambert family. It is an important collection of lithographs, watercolors and other personal and useful copper materials, negatives and a press that made up the printing studio of this Franco-Swiss family of artists who settled in Xàbia a century ago.

These materials have been in the Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i la Modernitat (MuVIM) for the last seven years and now the family has decided that they come to Xàbia until they decide their final destination. The councilor responsible for Culture, Quico Moragues explained that it is the intention of the town hall to prepare an exhibition to display publicly these valuable drawings and objects.

The material is impressive, says the municipal archivist, Juanjo Mas, since André Lambert’s drawings allow us to travel to Xàbia in 1920, with its traditional architecture, almost virgin landscapes and buildings that have disappeared today, such as the castle of Sant Martí or La Fontana (in El Arenal), in addition to monumental trees, rustic houses or the most emblematic urban and landscape corners of the municipality.