Xàbia restores the most iconic fountains of the town
The first fountains to be restored are those in the church square and Plaza Vicent de Gracia.

Friday 28th October 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia
Xàbia Council and the municipal water company AMJASA are carrying out improvement and maintenance work on several of the town’s fountains. This project, which coincides with the centenary of the inauguration of the first water network in the town, aims to value local heritage and at the same time, encourage the recovery of its use.
For the time being, the fountain in the church square and the Loreto fountain, located in Plaza Vicent de Gracia, have been restored. Both are part of this century-old network and were designed and built by the prestigious tosca stone mason Vicent Bisquert Riera, most commonly known as Vicent de Gracia.
Next, AMJASA plans to work on the fountain in Plaza Adolfo Suarez in the port and on the one that presides over the roundabout dedicated to Joan Casabó, known as the “water mayor” that is located next to the desalination plant and the old stone bridge over the river Gorgos.
Also as part of this centenary, AMJASA has published a book written by Antoni Espinós entitled “L’Aigua a Xàbia. Les fonts de la vila” whilst the Municipal Archive has prepared a commemorative documentary on the milestone of the creation of this small network of running water some 100 years ago. Both works will be presented this Friday 28th October at 8.00pm at the Casa de la Cultura.