Seven venues on the Punta del Arenal zone forced to close by town hall
The businesses will be able to reopen once the definitive licence has been obtained, for which they will have to previously correct all the deficiencies for which they have been warned about in the different phases of their files.

Thursday 30th March 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: press release – Ajuntament de Xàbia
Xàbia Council has announced that it has decreed the closure and cessation of activity of seven restaurants and leisure venues local in the Punta del Arenal zone of the Arenal beach area for lacking the mandatory opening licence, although these venues will be permitted to re-open once the required licence has been obtained.
These premises had previously been able to open to the public through a “responsible declaration”, a temporary and regulated document that remained valid whilst the Administration resolved the definitive activity licence, a complicated process that can take some time.
During this process, both the town council and other competent administration detected deficiencies that prevent them from granting this licence, deficiencies that, during the time that the files have been open, have not been corrected by any of the affected seven premises.
At the same time, some of the premises have been sanctioned for failing to comply with other regulations, such as noise or safety regulations.
Those premises who are affected by this mandatory closure decree have been notified in recent days and the municipal administrative file has been closed. Those responsible for the premises have a maximum period of ten days from receipt of the decree to make the closure of their premises effective. An inspection will be carried out to verify that this has been done and, if not, the subsidiary execution of the agreement will be activated.
The businesses will be able to reopen once the definitive licence has been obtained, for which they will have to previously correct all the deficiencies for which they have been warned about in the different phases of their files.