Council introduces new accessible containers and a fifth separator bin

The implementation of the fifth container starts immediately.

In the coming weeks, the Department of Services will begin the first improvements in the Urban Solids Collection (MSW) service as a result of the work initiated by the new government team, improvements that will allow, among others, the gradual implementation of new containers accessible to residents.

These new containers will be distributed at different points in the three urban centres and in the ‘Punts Verds’ in order to meet neighborhood demands. At the moment, the Council, together with the company responsible for the service, TETMA, is going to install 30 of these new containers as a pilot test to analyze the response to their use and then the local government will assess whether a greater number is acquired.

The fifth container arrives

In response to European regulations, TETMA and the Council begin the introduction of the so-called fifth container in which organic waste must be deposited. This brown container will be placed in the reserved areas next to grey, green (glass), blue (paper-cardboard), yellow (packaging), oil and clothing containers.

For introduce of this fifth container to be a success, the collaboration of all residents is necessary, since recycling must begin at home. People will have to separate organic waste from the rest – food, coffee grounds, tea bags, food-stained cardboard, kitchen paper and napkins and dead plants/flowers – which will have to be deposited in special biocompostable bags. Once separated, this organic waste must be deposited in the brown container that will be located in each of the waste container areas distributed throughout the municipality.

“If we manage to recycle correctly and separate organic waste, we will all benefit, since we will be able to reduce the waste management bill,” explained Juanjo García, the responsible councillor, although he stressed that this is “a voluntary thing, we do not want to impose anything, that is why we will distribute about 3,000 10-litre bins and biocompostable bags so that residents can recycle in their homes.”

TETMA and the Council have prepared an implementation period consisting of three phases:

Phase One: Punts Verds located in Umbria, Cansalades-Tosalet, Rafalet, Cap Negre, Balcón al Mar, Tossals and Pinosol as well as one of the hotels in Xàbia, a supermarket and the Asilo-Hermanos Cholbi. To support this, TETMA and the council have scheduled several informative talks with the Environmental Educators in residential areas and in the aforementioned establishments. This phase includes a sub-phase that covers a greater number of companies and businesses as well as four schools and the campsites.

Phase Two: The brown container will be installed at strategic points throughout the municipality so that residents can adhere to the campaign.

Phase Three: The distribution of the brown containers will continue throughout the municipality, establishments and Punts Verds.

Recycling and separating organic waste has advantages for everyone:

  • We reduce the amount of waste that reaches the landfill.
  • We reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • We will catch up with other European cities.
  • We will reduce treatment costs and generate new jobs.

The tax demands will be delivered to the home. If not received, they can be downloaded from the Oficina Virtual Tributaria (click here) or in person at the Oficial de Atención al Público in Calle Mayor, 15.