The municipal water company has surfaced a 300m stretch of this busy road.

The municipal water company AMJASA has completed the re-surfacing of a section of Camí Vell de Gata on which it has been working in recent months to replace one of the pipes that supplies drinking water from the Rompudetes zone.
A representative from AMJASA explained that this repair was carried out earlier this week and has replaced the surface along around 300m of this busy road.
The councillor responsible for the Water Network in Xàbia, José Marcos Pons (Vox), stressed that the government team has responded to requests from residents in the area who had been complaining for months about the poor condition of the street after the pipe replacement work. He explained that one of the first objectives of the new local government team was to meet these demands, adding that the municipal company has to set an example when carrying out work.