Ximo Segarra takes on responsibility for Economic Development in Xàbia
Segarra assumes the role after the resignation of Marta Bañuls due to personal reasons.

Friday 4th November 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia
Ximo Segarra, the councillor responsible for Finance, Contracts, New Technologies and representative for the historic centre, will be adding another feather to his cap when he takes on responsibility for Economic Development in Xàbia after the resignation of Marta Bañuls at the end of last month.
Segarra has said that he will face this new responsibility with enthusiasm and the desire to collaborate closely with the business associations in Xàbia, revealing that there are already plans to meet with them very soon to introduce himself, listen to them, and work on some of the projects that the department is already working on.
“I’m going to continue the initiatives that Marta has started as well as propose others, both for commercial revitalization and to help the modernization of the sector, and that can serve as direct support for the business fabric of Xàbia in these times of difficulties,” he explained.
He highlighted the work carried out by his predecessor during a legislature that has been very complicated by the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic which has triggered an important municipal response in terms of aid to small businesses and the self-employed in Xàbia.
He also expressed his enthusiasm for being able to work with the local business community, a generator of employment and a source of wealth for the municipality as well as a catalyst for life in the neighbourhoods. Until now, he has devoted himself mainly to areas more focused on internal management and taking on responsibility for a department that is dedicated the commerce will offer a different line of work that will have greater contact with residents and associations.
Mayor José Chulvi explained that, when it came to reorganizing responsibilities after the resignation of Bañuls, he felt that it would be more effective to bring together the departments of Economic Development and Commerce with that of the Treasury, creating a unique post in which one councillor would be responsible for all areas related to the local economy and employment.
He added that he also took into account the valuable experience of Ximo Segarra and his ability to work on preparing initiatives to provide support and development economic recovery plans during the pandemic, a process in which he was very involved and for which he was constantly in contact with business associations.
At the next plenary session at the town hall, after the resignation of Marta Bañuls has been made official, the nest member in the socialist list, José Luis Luengo, will take his place on the council and assume the other responsibilities of Bañuls, such as representative for the Duanes de la Mar neighbourhood.
Original Source: Ximo Segarra asume las competencias en Fomento Económico en el Ayuntamiento de Xàbia tras la renuncia de Marta Bañuls
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