Ximo Puig announces 150 million euros of EU funds to support the Valencian tourism sector
The Comunidad Valenciana is the second most popular autonomous region after the Balearic Islands for attracting international tourism between January and August.

Monday 4th October 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith
The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig, has announced that 150 million euros of European funds will be allocated to the tourism sector of the Comunidad Valenciana for direct actions in green and sustainable transition, improvement of energy efficiency, digital transition, and improvement of competitiveness.
The president revealed this investment during his speech at the 2020 Comunidad Valenciana Tourism Awards, during which he also thanked the sector for their resistance during the pandemic and highlighted the positive data recorded during the summer months which has contributed to the recovery of employment, since a monthly average of 180,000 people registered with social security, an 8% increase on 2020.
In figures, the president explained that the Comunidad Valenciana has received 8.2 million visitors this year, which is 17% more than was expected, and he pointed out that during the month of August, hotel occupancy approached 80% along the Valencian coast, which is a 27% increase on the same month in 2020.
In addition, the estimate of 2 million international tourists which would visit the region between June and September, was exceeded by 10% and, according to INE data, the Comunidad Valenciana is the second most popular autonomous region after the Balearic Islands for attracting international tourism between January and August.
Extension of the Bono Viaje
The president highlighted the support of the Generalitat Valencian through the promotion of a policy of seasonal adjustment and incentives and revealed that 15 million euros has been allocated to the launched of a new phase of the Bono Viaje initiative for 2022. This programme has already been extended into the autumn of this year, benefiting some 12,500 people in securing discounted trips throughout the region.
He also referred to the establishment of a fund to compensate and reinforce the investments of tourist municipalities and explained that the Comunidad Valenciana will be present at the Travel & Tourism Expo in London next month in order to promote the return of the British market with Benidorm and the Costa Blanca in particular being promoted as well as other areas of the region that have ambitions of offering something different to the British visitor.
Review of the Imserso Programme
During his speech, Ximo Puig called on the Spanish Government to open a dialogue with the tourism sector and review the Imserso programme, insisting of the need for this “essential” social initiative to expand towards a “quality proposal … which doesn’t rely on the losses of companies”.
The president stressed that this summer has shown that the tourism sector is a “pillar of the Valencian economy”, ensuring that it “receives less than it gives” since it contributes 3.6 billion euros in fiscal terms, and he highlighted its evolution in quality of employment, revitalization of the region, reduction of environmental impact, the occupation of urban space, and the application of knowledge with new smart destinations.
Finally, he expressed his gratitude to the winners of the Tourism Award, highlighting the “great social role” that the sector plays in contributing to improving people’s quality of life and “consolidates what unites us”. In this sense, he claimed that travelling is “the best vaccine against prejudice” and that “tourism should help us improve societies through inclusive values”.
Comunidad Valenciana Tourism Awards 2020
Cooperativa Viver
Castelló Ruta del Sabor
Fundación Comunitat Valenciana MARQ
Park Natural Valltorta
Dolores Salvador
Juan Antonio Calabuig
Fundación Cañada Blanch