Xàbia tells ombudsman that road is in an “adequate state for vehicles”
The ombudsman has responded to a resident’s complaint about the state of his road.

Tuesday 8th June 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith
A resident of Calle Bellatrix, off the Jesús Pobre road behind the Ermita supermarket, reported in January the poor condition of the road where his home is located to the Sindic de Greuges and demanded that the Valencian ombudsman intervene before the defenseless situation in which he found himself. After an investigation, it has issued a recommendation to Xàbia Council to attend to the resident’s request and “raise the files that are pertinent in order to achieve the fulfillment of the duty that is required of him to pave the public roads”.
According to the information that was collected in the resolution of that resident’s complaint, posted on the Ombudsman’s website, the Sindic decided to investigate the resident’s request and transfer it to the Xàbia Council. In its response, and it is literal, the local council has claimed that the street “is not urbanized, it has a dirt surface and that by replacing the gravel, it presents an adequate state for the circulation of vehicles.”
In addition, the Council said that Calle Bellatrix “is classified as Montgó Ermita urban land, with a width foreseen in the General Urban Planning Plan of Xàbia of 6 metres, so its expansion and urbanization corresponds to the owners, of in accordance with the provisions of section 4.1.6. of the ordinances of the General Urban Planning Plan of Xàbia, in which it indicates that the owners of urban land are obliged to pay for the urbanization”.

Faced with this response, the Sindic issued a recommendation on April 22nd, in which it urges Xàbia Council to “analyze the request made by the promoter of the file in relation to the urbanization of the reference public road and proceed, where appropriate , to promote the files that are pertinent in order to achieve compliance with the duty that is required of it to pave the public roads, maintaining work meetings with the affected owners and adopting the resolutions that are necessary, in accordance with the legislation in force that results from application and in the terms established by it”.
It also urges the Council to communicate the progress made in this complaint.
Dozens of unsurfaced streets with residents paying IBI for luxury houses
Calle Bellatrix is the paradigm of urban planning in Xàbia. Houses built many years ago, undeveloped streets and the Council looking the other way. And above with scrambling, in view of the response given to the state of the street “suitable for the passage of vehicles.” Judge for yourself with the image above.
On the other side of the municipality, in the Pinosol area, there are unpaved streets (the most obvious being that of Calle Alberto Dürer, but the following Calle Franz Hall as well) and without any interest on the part of the Council to solve it, in view of the response which is given by unloading all responsibility on the owners.
And while charging these taxes to these owners as if they had a paved road, public lighting, sidewalks and other services …