Xàbia requests regional aid to renovate Castell de la Granadella

The three phase renovation project will cost some 408,000 euros and will be completed in three phases.

Thursday 18th August 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia

The latest plenary session of Xàbia Council has unanimously approved a request for a grant from the Generalitat Valenciana to carry out a renovation project of Castell de la Granadella.

Specifically, the council wants to opt for one of the grants offered by the Presidency during 2022 aimed at promoting the protection, promotion and development of heritage and cultural revitalization, and the adaptation and renovation of municipal assets and spaces of the Comunidad Valenciana. It is a biannual line endowed with 13.4 million euros with a maximum of 500,000 euros per project available.

The project to consolidate the Castell de la Granadella, the only publicly-owned structure for defensive use that remains on the municipality’s coastline would cost some 408,000 euros and has been ready since last year in anticipation that some line of subsidies will be offered for heritage restoration. In addition to the consolidation of the remains of the fort, the project also includes the recovery of the attached cistern as well as the landscaping of the surroundings to create a better interpretation of the entire complex.

The first phase is limited to the restoration of the cistern, cleaning of the surfaces and a selection of the stone blocks collected from the archaeological excavations promoted by the museum more than a decade ago. The second phase deals with the stability of the perimeter stone walls and the stabilization of the masonry panels that formed the infill of the castle walls whilst the last step would serve to fill in the interior, rebuild the start of the spiral staircase that connected the different levels of the defensive structure and valued the singular elements that remain, such as the start of the vault on the first floor and one of the embrasures.

The difficult accessibility of the place has an important weight in the budget since it makes the transport of materials more expensive.