Xàbia Local Police: “Private security guards have helped us control ‘botellon’ phenomenon”

Closed access on the Camí Vell de la Granadella, one of the points where the illegal street parties moved when young people were evicted from the Arenal.
Tuesday 17th August 2021 – XÀBIA AL DÍA with Mike Smith
Xàbia Council has hired three private security guards to try and support the local police and prevent the gathering of young people for illegal street parties – known as botellones – in areas such as Cala Blanca, El Camí Vell de la Granadella (next to the AMJASA water tanks) and the area surrounding the viewpoint of Cap de Sant Antoni.
Speaking to TV station A Punt, local police inspector José Ribes explained that the service has already been running for a week and has helped the authorities to control the phenomenon of the botellon in three areas where complaints from residents have been “innumerable”. By closing access to them and deploying private security, these complaints have been greatly reduced.
Ribes explained that when the bars and restaurants on the Arenal beach close their doors, the young people want to continue partying and “gather and concentrate” both on the promenade and on the beach itself as well as the surrounding areas. Police officers clear all these spaces, but Ribes stressed that this action doesn’t prevent the youngsters from moving to other areas of the municipality, using social media networks as a quick form of communication as to where the illegal gatherings are taking place, making their work extremely difficult.

Many images have been seen on National TV as the fact that the regional health ministry didn’t initially impose a night curfew on Xàbia became apparent as hundreds of young people travelled to the municipality to enjoy the evening, resulting in the number of botellones multiplying exponentially. if it was not Cala Blanca, the party was in Camí Vell de la Granadella. Or at the viewpoint of Cap de Sant Antoni. Or even the harbour of the port, where 300 young people had to be evicted last Thursday.
As of midnight last night, a night curfew will take effect in Xàbia, meaning that the streets will need to be clear of the public between 1.00am and 6.00am except for essential business, such as going to and from work, attending health centres, or looking after vulnerable people. The curfew will remain in place until midnight Monday 6th September.
It is hoped that this measure will alleviate the tension that both the local police force and the Guardia Civil have had to contend with in recent weeks, trying to establish order from the chaos that has been seen on a daily basis on Avenida de la Libertad in the Arenal. In addition, staff from the Cruz Roja de Xàbia have had to deal with the results of numerous fights and alcohol abuse.