Xàbia closes July with lower unemployment than same month before the pandemic

SEPE reported that there were 1,107 registered unemployed people in Xàbia, 52 less than July 2019.


Wednesday 10th August 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: XAD (Álvaro Monfort)

Xàbia closed July 2022 with 1,107 xabieros unemployed, according to data from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), a figure slightly lower than that of June and one that totally contrasts with unemployment figures of last summer.

In July 2021, when many health restrictions were still in force that directly affected commerce and hospitality and the general public, the municipality registered 1,549 unemployed. The current data is even better than the July before the pandemic when there were 1,159 unemployed people. The improvement, despite the current economic crisis, is substantial. However, we must not lose sight of the inflation that is affecting all areas and the general shortage that will affect employment in the long term.

Focusing on the last month, women continue to be the most affected by unemployment, confirming the existing gender gap. In July there were 655 unemployed women compared to 452 men. In both cases, the most affected age group was that of people over 45 years of age, with 409 women and 315 men unemployed.

It is followed by the group between 25 and 44 years old with 234 women and 120 men and, finally, the group of those under 25 years old with 17 men and 12 women without a job.

In July there were 1,052 new job contracts. Of these, 683 were of an indefinite nature, 280 temporary and 89 went from being temporary to indefinite.

By production sectors, the Services have the largest number of unemployed (849). It was followed by Construction with 141, Industry with 47 and Agriculture and Fishing with 12. A total of 58 new people registered on the SEPE lists.

With the data from the last month, Xàbia is in second position in terms of unemployment in La Marina Alta, behind Dénia, which heads the list with 2,803 unemployed men and women, above Calp, which closed the month with 1,015.