Xàbia approves the renovation project of the Casa dels Xolbi


The 2.4 million euro project will take 14 months to complete and the building will be used as a visual arts education centre.

0131 NEWS Casa Candelaria 1

Xàbia Council has approved the 2.4 million euro renovation project of the Casa Candelaria (also known as the ‘Casa dels Xolbi’), assumed to be one of the oldest and most iconic buildings in the historic centre which dates back to the 15th century.

The building, a Site of Local Relevance (BRL), has been in danger of collapse for some years and its northern façade and parts of the interior have been shored up for some months after the appearance of cracks, the detection of structural movement and the danger of falling debris.

After renovation, the building, which was acquired by the local council in 2005, will be used as a visual arts educational centre, offering new opportunities to young people and artists in the municipality.

The approval was supported by the councillors from the Partido Popular, Ciudadanos por Jávea and Vox – the local government ‘tripartite’ – whilst those from PSPV-PSOE and Compromís abstained.

Due to its deterioration, the building has become a priority for the local council and the urgency of the renovation work has been communicated to the Diputación de Alicante which will be part-financing the project which is expected to take 14 months to complete.

SOURCE: Ajuntament de Xàbia

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