Valencia launches new campaign on the need to maintain COVID-19 protection measures
The latest figures from regional health authorities show that the spread of the virus has been slowly rising again.

Regional Health Secretary Ana Barceló. Photo Source: Generalitat Valenciana
Friday 12th November 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith
The regional health secretary, Ana Barceló, has announced that a campaign will be launched in the next few dats to raise awareness among the population of the Comunidad Valenciana of the importance of maintaining security and protection measures against the coronavirus.
She explained that “it is a campaign to remember the need to continue protecting ourselves during meetings, when shopping and at celebrations” and she has stressed that “we cannot lower our guard”.
In this sense, Barceló warned that “the pandemic continues. The incidence of the virus has been increasing steadily in recent weeks and stopping it depends on all of us.” For this reason, she has insisted on the importance of maintaining protection measures “distance, mask, hand washing and ventilation”.
The regional secretary emphasized the importance of complying with protection measures, mainly in certain environments, such as celebrations, closed spaces, crowds or busy streets, since they are risky environments in which the use of a mask is essential.
“We cannot relax. I am aware that we have been living with the virus for more than a year and a half, but we must continue to be responsible,” said Barceló.
Lates figures provided by the regional health authority show that the spread of the virus has been increasing again, with the 14-day IA rate rising by some 38% over the past two weeks across the region – it is currently 75.28 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with 3,724 known active cases across the Comunidad Valenciana. It is a similar story nationally, with the rate climbing again to 67.07.
On a local level, the 14-day IA rate for Xàbia has risen to 99.94, the highest level since early September, after 28 new positive cases have been identified over the past two weeks. The municipality remains in the Medium Risk category.