Unemployment dropped slight in Xàbia during April
The easing of COVID-19 restrictions on the hospitality sector has helped improve job prospects in the town.

Thursday 20th May 2021 – ÁLVARO MONFORT with Mike Smith
Unemployment in Xàbia fell during April with 1,935 people without a job in the town, down 36 on March when the number of those without a job also fell. The slight decrease has been attributed to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions which led to the re-opening of the hospitality sector two months ago, the extension of the opening hours to coincide with peak hours and, of course, the Easter holidays when Xàbia was a prime destination for many visitors.
Unless the evolution of the pandemic in the Comunidad Valenciana worsens, the trend from now on is that unemployment will continue to fall in Xàbia as the busy summer season approaches. Indeed, last weekend, we saw how the end of the national state of alarm and the perimeter closure led to plenty of people travelling to the coast from other inland autonomous regions. Although this is not ideal in the current health crisis, it does provide a boost to the local economy.
It is curious that when a comparison is made with the figures for April 2020, when the country was in full lockdown mode with far greater restrictions and an increase in unemployment, Xàbia registered 1,828 people without at a job. However, the economic growth trend since the escalation has not been very positive so far. Since August 2020 (when unemployment has dropped as a result of the summer season), unemployment had been growing by almost a hundred people a month and the third wave of the epidemic at the beginning of this year, with the associated severe restrictive measures, in the midst of the low season for the local economy, slowed down its recovery even more. Now, providing the health situation doesn’t worsen, there should be a noticeable improvement that will boost the business and commercial fabric of the municipality.
Age and Gender
In April 2021, 1,100 women and 835 men were unemployed, down 23 and 13 respectively on the previous month.
As always, it is those above the age of 45 who are most affected by unemployment; during April 969 were without a job, 562 women and 407 men. The total figure has increased by 11 over the past two months.
For the 25-44 age group, 804 people were unemployed (34 fewer than in March) of which 459 were women and 345 men.
Finally, under the under-25 age group, 162 people were registered unemployment (13 fewer than March) of which 79 were women and 83 men.
In terms of employment, 662 new contracts were signed in April (221 more than in March) of which 576 were temporary, highlighting the precarious nature of unemployment in the town, whilst 49 were permanent; a further 37 went from temporary to permanent status.
Economic Sectors
The highest unemployment during April was found in the Services sector with 1,527 without a job (31 less than in March). Construction experienced a slight increase, accounting for 207 unemployed, up 3. Industry saw no change with 53 unemployed whilst the Fishing and Agriculture sector also failed to move in either direction, with 20 people.
With 1,935 people without a job, Xàbia remains third in the Marina Alta behind Dénia with 4,264 and Calp with 2,044. These towns have also experienced a decline in the last month.