Supreme Court authorizes night curfew to continue in Valencia from May 9th
The start of the curfew has been pushed back to 12 midnight whilst social gathering limits have been raised to 10 people.

Friday 7th May 2021 – XÁBIA AL DÍA with Mike Smith
The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJCV) has authorized the Generalitat Valenciana to impose limitations on night movement, social gatherings and capacities at places of worship after the national state of alarm comes to an end on May 9th, declaring that they meet the “judgement of necessity” in minimizing an increase in virus transmission by imposing a “restriction or limitation of fundamental freedoms and right, not suspending them”.
However, the magistrates have limited the period of these restrictions to two weeks, valid from May 9th until May 24th, and not until the end of the month as requested by the regional government, whilst also establishing that it will be the evolution of the pandemic and the pace of the vaccination campaign that will determine whether there are grounds for an extension.
Thus, from Sunday May 9th, there will be a night curfew in place across the Comunidad Valenciana between the hours of 12 midnight and 6.00am the following morning, social gatherings – both with friends and family – will be limited to a maximum of 10 people, and places of worship will be able to open their doors to 75% of usual capacity. Full details will follow once the relevant decree is published on the DOGV bulletin board.
The decision follows that of the Superior Court of Justice in the Balearic Islands yesterday, which authorized restriction measures approved by the regional government, including a night curfew between 11.00pm and 6.00am and a limit of six people for social gatherings in both public and private places.
This is the first time that the Generalitat has sought prior authorization of restrictive measures from the courts before they have been published by decree and subsequently entered into force, opting previously for ratification once the relevant regulations had been published.