PP: “We are losing opportunities to generate jobs and investments in Xàbia”

Wednesday 25th November 2020 – MIKE SMITH
The Partido Popular Xàbia has issued a statement on the situation of the proposed industrial estate and the loss of job opportunities in the town, accusing the governing body of dragging its feet to help and improve the situation:
“It is necessary to invest in productive sectors that generate wealth and work in the municipality and be supportive of the most affected sectors. A government team must work to generate jobs and investments, but in Xabia what we are seeing is a frequent loss of opportunities and no advancement.
Today, there are 400 unemployed people more than in the same month of 2019, a worrying figure. Moreover, if we assess the plenary session in November, we conclude that nothing has been done to prevent these figures from getting worse.
Preparing the scenario so that Xabia is an active municipality with job opportunities is a management commission that is not enough to have a will. It is necessary to foresee and act in those productive sectors that need a boost, although those who have the power to promote actions to create jobs are not doing so.
Xàbia should have its industrial estate in Catarroja I. It should be offering entrepreneurship and work, but because it hasn’t done so. There is no company that wants to carry out the necessary urbanization works, the award of the contract has been deserted by resignation of the two companies that submitted to the tender of the works.
Now, the municipal government has no choice but to entrust these urbanization works to the company that wants to carry them out for the same price, taking into account that it is an economically and technically out-of-date project, even if it is sensible to start over with a project updated to the regulations, prices and needs of Xabia.
We are losing opportunities to generate jobs and investments in our municipality, but still, Xabia has resources that continue to be wasted, as is the case in the agricultural sector.
In the future general plan being developed by the socialist government, our municipality will become mostly an agricultural protected rural area, but not by declaring its agricultural protection is our municipality further protected. It is protected when measures are taken to revitalize the agricultural sector, which is also not occurring.
Populares Xabia are convinced that there is much to be done and improve the possibilities of our municipality, to process the land bank, courses for unemployed people to learn about agricultural work, workshops that offer alternatives of crops, etc. In short, facilitate entrepreneurship in this primary sector, try to maintain what is there and at the same time avoid the abandonment of our municipality. But above all, promoting a sector that in these difficult times is an alternative to having nothing.
Another sector that is adrift and has lost direct and indirect jobs are the pubs and clubs of Xabia, they by resolution of the Generalitat Valenciana are the only ones who permitted not to work in their businesses.
From the Popular Party of Xabia, in order for these businesses to work, it was proposed to the municipal government to change the licensing of pubs and discos to that of a cafeteria, a temporary and exceptional solution in the same way that has been carried out in many town halls of the Valencian Community.
However, as always, there is a “but” and since the local administration does not understand enough to make such a decision, the government comes to the step of the problem and chooses to ask the Ministry of Economics, Health and Tourism to rule on the provenance and convenience of the proposal.
So, the local procedure is completed and to wait to see if three administrations issue their reports on whether or not you can enable pub and disco activity to the cafeteria. Hopefully they will not arrive too late!!