Municipal APP Xàbia Connecta has received almost 6,000 reports since launch
The APP allows members of the public to report issues affecting them around the municipality.

Wednesday 23rd February 2022 – Mike Smith
Translated from an original article by Carlos López on Xàbia AL DÍA
The municipal Xàbia Connecta APP celebrates its fifth anniversary this year, a facility which has allowed members of the public to report issues affecting them around the municipality, such as problems on public roads, street lighting which isn’t working, amongst others. Users are able to take a photo, geolocate the point and send it directly to the local council.
The APP was launched in January 2017 by the Department of New Technologies and councillor Ximo Segarra has said that 2,170 residents have signed up to the service, submitted a total of 5,983 incidents for the attention of the local council.
Of these, most of them – 5,447 – have been resolved whilst another 253 are in process of being so. And 283 are pending, some because they are the responsibility of other administrations and are outside the control of the local council, whilst others demand a more complex solution.
During 2021, the APP registered 1,184 incidents, of which 1,158 have been resolved (97.8%) whilst two are currently being addressed and another 24 are pending resolution.
Xàbia Connecta works by allowing members of the public to report issues directly to the local council. It is registered by municipal staff who pass it on to the relevant municipal contractors for resolution (such as the replacement of a bulb in a street lamp) or to the responsible municipal department which will assess the report and process it for resolution.
The APP also allows the local council to public local news well as the municipal agenda.
Click here to download the Xàbia Connecta APP from GooglePlay.