Mayorales announced for next year’s fiesta of Mare de Deu de Loreto
The virgin received the gold medal of Xàbia

Friday 9th September 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: XAD
September 8th is the big day of the festivities held in honour of the Mare de Déu de Loreto and one of the traditional moments of this special day is that the Fiesta Commission announced the name of the mayorales and mayoralesas for 2023 after the mass solemn in honour of the patron saint, officiated on Thursday afternoon by the parish priest Francisco Murillo.
As one of his first acts during the fiesta period, Murillo announced the name of the people who will be the maximum representatives of the festivities next year. They will be: Loreto García and José Antonio Sapena; Mireia Ferrer and Rubén Bisquert; Irene Cardona Iglesias; Isabel Cardona and Ángel Devesa; Ainhara Pastor and Fernando Garcia; Paula and Manel Guardiola and Teresa Monllor.
In addition, after the mass, the Fiesta Commission delivered several awards to the Parish Choir, Cofradía de Pescadores de Xàbia, the parish priest Francisco Murillo, the family of Juan Devesa, and the town of Xàbia, which was collected by mayor José Chulvi.

In addition, the mayor himself presented the Xàbia gold medal to the treasured image of Mare de Déu de Loreto, in recognition of the 125th anniversary of the festivities.

After the religious service and the singing of the hymn to the Virgin, all the attendees have enjoyed a mascletà on Avenida Jaume I.