Installation of the wooden barrier along Primer Muntanyar continues
The initiative continues to divide opinion among both residents and visitors to the town.

Sunday 18th July 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith
The installation of the wooden barrier preventing the access of the vehicles on to the Primer Muntanyar coastal area has continued this week, the work being carried out by the council works brigade with assistance of an external company. By Friday, the barrier has been installed up to the middle of this stretch of coastal road between the port area and the Arenal zone.
A series of gateways has been created to allow direct access to several distinct areas along the coast, such as the Benissero beach and one of the beach bars.
Costing some 13,000 euros, the barrier prevents all types of vehicles from parking on the coast, an initiative that has divided opinion between those who want to enjoy a view of the bay without a line of vehicles blocking it and those who think the decision will affect tourism to the town since parking has become more difficult, especially for those with mobility issues.