Compromís proposes “door to door” rubbish collection service in historic centres
“We believe that there is still the possibility of pilot tests in the old town and other nuclei, which could be an incentive, along with affordable rents, for people to live in the town.”

Tuesday 27th April 2021 – XÀBIA AL DÍA with Mike Smith
The representative for Compromís in Xàbia Council, Juan Cardona, has expressed his displeasure at the council’s refusal to implement a door-to-door rubbish collection system in the town and pointed out that such as system is about to be implemented in Dénia – governed by the PSOE – in its historic zones with the aim of revitalizing them and providing a better image of visitors.
Cardona had mentioned this in the plenary session on Monday and recalled the reasons why his party did not support the new rubbish collection contract. “We believe that there is still the possibility of pilot tests in the old town and other nuclei, which could be an incentive, along with affordable rents, for people to live in the town.”
He stressed that “this is not an easy initiative, but governing means going beyond the competencies and standards set. If we really believe in sustainability and the circular economy, we must bet on systems that achieve it. We don’t know if its management would be too great or if it is due to lack of planning, but it takes courage, impetus and political will to face the challenges that lie ahead, as has been achieved in other areas, such as the regulation of capacities in the coves or the new movement bye-laws.”
The councillor also stressed the need to follow the line of reaching climate neutrality in the Council’s fleet of vehicles, since the last tender for the works brigade did not include the rental of hybrid or electric vehicles. Thus, he urged to follow the example of AMJASA and bet on a fleet on less polluting vehicles.
Finally, Compromís also wanted to express its displeasure of learning about the award of the new rubbish collection contract through the press since it would have been possible to have announced this important detail when the issue was raised during the plenary session on Monday. “It isn’t surprising because this is not the first time that we have heard about council decisions and actions from the press, but we thought that there would have been greater deference in this matter”.