Charity Christmas market to open its doors for a second year
The market will offer all sorts of Christmas decorations and will be open every Friday and Saturday until December 17.

Thursday 22nd November 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Álvaro Monfort (XAD)
Christmas is not only a time to spend money but also one to share and, above all, to remember those who have less. That is why charity campaigns to support the most vulnerable families are becoming more popular, appealing to this feeling of empathy and generosity.
With this mentality, one of the initiatives that emerged last year was the Mercat de Nadal which aims to raise money for the Cáritas branches of Nuestra Señora de Loreto and San Bartolomé whose volunteer work has increased recently. Given the success of 2021, which raised more than 1,200 euros, the second edition has not been long in coming and it will reopen its doors tomorrow Friday 25th November in Calle En Forn No. 10, which is about 80m up the hill from the Placeta del Convent.
The market has the collaboration of the Betlemistes de Xàbia association and will offer all sorts of Christmas decorations and products, figures, materials and accessories to assemble the traditional nativity scenes, all at affordable prices.
The Christmas market will be open until every Friday and Saturday until December 17 at the following times:
- Friday – 5.00pm to 8.00pm
- Saturday – 10.00am to 1.00pm / 5.00pm to 7.00pm

Original Article: El segundo Mercat de Nadal a beneficio de los Cáritas de Xàbia vuelve a abrir sus puertas