21:30 – PARADE of the Junior Commission, Children’s Court of Honour and the Quintà 2020 “TOT PER L’AIRE” from the Plaza de la Iglesia to the Plaza de la Constitución.
22:00 – PROCLAMATION of the Court of Honour, Ladies and Queens in the Plaza de la Constitución. Afterwards, live music with HISTERIA and then a disco until 04:00.
SATURDAY 11th JUNE Proclamation of the Queen 2021
10:00 – INSTALLATION of the bull cages on the car-park of Avenida Palmela, until 18:00.
10:00 – XXV FOGUERES SCHOOL CHESS TOURNAMENT in the Fogueres Commission Casal in Plaza de la Constitución, organised by the Club d’Escacs de Xàbia.
22:30 – PARADE of the Quintà 2021 “LA DESASTRÀ” from the Plaza de la Iglesia to the Plaza de la Constitución.
23:00 – PROCLAMATION of the Court of Honour, Ladies and Queens in the Plaza de la Constitución. Afterwards, live music with MÓNACO and then a disco until 04:00.
SUNDAY 12th JUNE Proclamation of the Queen 2022
09:30 – XVIII OPEN TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT in the Palau d’Esports Municipal in Avenida dels Furs, organised by the Club de Tenis Taula Xàbia.
11:00 – VALENCIAN PELOTA featuring some of the best professional players in the ‘Escala i Corda’ style in the Trinquet de Xàbia in Freginal.
21:30 – PARADE of the Quintà 2022 “LA RETORNÀ” from the Plaza de la Iglesia to the Plaza de la Constitución.
22:00 – PROCLAMATION of the Court of Honour, Ladies and Queens in the Plaza de la Constitución. Afterwards, live music with MATRIX and then a disco until 04:00.
MONDAY 13th JUNE Día del Pregón
14:30 – Official OPENING of the casals of the “Penyes Santjoaneres”.
20:00 – PARADE of the Courts of Honour, the Ladies and the Queens from the Plaza de la Marina Alta to the Plaza de la Iglesia.
21:30 – PREGÓN: the official opening ceremony of the fiestas by the Queens and the Municipal Authorities in the Plaza de la Iglesia.
22:30 – COMMUNAL DINNER in the Plaza de la Constitución for the “Penyes Santjoaneres” and people of the town in general. The Fogueres Commission will be offering a drink.
00:00 – The Queens, joined by the Quintades, the peñas and the people of the town in general, accompanied by charangas, will sing to the images of Sant Joan. Afterwards, there will be disco with DJ JUANJO GARCÍA in the Plaza de la Constitución until 04:00.
17:30 – GATHERING of the Peñas and Fogueres Commission in the Plaza de la Constitución to collect in procession the Quintades from their casal and then the OPENING of the BARET DELS BOUS and the Bull Arena in Avenida Palmela.
19:00 – ENTRANCE OF COWS & BULLS from Ganadería CRESPO of Pedreguer. Then, the first evening of contest with five cows, one young calf and one bull from Ganadería CALÍ of Moixent. First pairing to move the animals, the brothers Saliner from Puzol. The best pairing after each evening will be awarded the honour of moving the animals on the last night.
22:00 – COMMUNAL DINNER in the Plaza de la Iglesia with live music from PÉNDULO.
00:00 – ENTRANCE OF 12 COWS of different types from Ganadería ASENSÍ of Orba. Exhibition of the Ganaderías COVES of Pedreguer, CRESPO of Pedreguer, HERMANDAD of Xàbia, LA PALOMA of Xaló and ASENSÍ of Orba, with two cows from each ranch.
00:30 – Disco “FOGUERES MUSICÓN” in the Bull Arena until 04:00.
16:00 – VALENCIAN PELOTA TOURNAMENT organised by peñas “El Patrocini” and “D’on no hi ha no se’n pot traure”.
18:30 – ENTRANCE OF 6 CARRETONES (Bull Carts) and release of carretones, organised by Arte Mediterraneo.
19:30 – ENTRANCE OF COWS & BULLS from Ganadería HERMANDAD of Xàbia. Then, the second evening of contest with five cows, one young calf and one bull from Ganadería COVES of Pedreguer. Second pairing to move the animals, Adrián Puig of Segorbe and David Megina of Sagunto.
22:00 – THEATRE-SAINETE (Valencian Farce) in the Plaza de la Iglesia.
22:00 – PAELLA COMPETITION in the Bull Arena in Avenida Palmela (the Fogueres Commission will provide the rice). The first prize will be 100 euros (registration to participate should be made at the bar in the bull arena on Tuesday 14th June). Afterwards, live music with LA MOCHA and disco “FOGUERES MUSICÓN” until 04:00.
13:00 – First day of “BARET A BANDA” with live music from TRILOGY at the bar in the bull arena in Avenida Palmela.
19:00 – ENTRANCE OF COWS & BULLS from Ganadería FERNANDO MACHANCOSES of Cheste. Then, the third evening of contest with five cows, one young calf and one bull from Ganadería BENAVENT of Quatreronda. Third pairing to move the animals, José Manuel González “El Poca” from Vall d’Uixo and Julio Pérez from Godelleta.
22:00 – CONCERT with COLLA PORTITXOL. Presentation of their album “El Dolçcainer del Portitxol” in memory of José Peropadre in the Plaza de la Iglesia.
22:00 – COMMUNAL DINNER in the bull cages in the bull arena in Avenida Palmela.
23:00 – GRAN PRIX (Inter-Penya Games) in the bull arena in Avenida Palmela. (Registration to participate should be made at the bar in the bull arena on Tuesday 14th June and Wednesday 15th June). Afterwards, disco “FOGUERES MUSICÓN” until 04:00.
12:00 – BAR EN BAR (Bar Crawl) leaving from Plaza de la Constitución. The participating bars will be Santa Coqueta, La Paraeta, La Verema, Embruix, Las Notas and Desnivell). Afterwards, the second day of “BARET A BANDA” with live music from LOL I POP at the bar in the bull arena in Avenida Palmela.
19:00 – ENTRANCE OF COWS & BULLS from Ganadería BENAVENT of Quatreronda. Then, the fourth evening of contest with five cows, one young calf and one bull from Ganadería LA PALOMA of Xaló. Fourth pairing to move the animals, Chipu of Cheste and Román of Xàbia.
22:00 – COMMUNAL DINNER in the bull cages in the bull arena in Avenida Palmela.
23:00 – EQUESTRIAN SHOW “MAGOS DE LA EQUITACIÓN” performed by the Escuela de Equitación El Centauro SL of Tudela del Duero (Valladolid).
00:00 – Disco “FOGUERES MUSICÓN” in the Bull Arena until 04:00.
SATURDAY 18th JUNE Día de las Quintades
08:00 – DESPERTÀ (bangers and rockets) through the streets of the historic centre of Xàbia, organised by the Quintadas celebrating their 25th anniversary “QUINTÀ CAVALLERÍA”, “QUINTÀ QUE NI PINTA” and “QUINTÀ MIRA SI EN SOM”.
10:00 – BBQ ALMUERZO (brunch) offered by the Fogueres Commission in the bull arena in Avenida Palmela.
11:30 – GATHERING of all the Quintadas in Placeta del Convent.
12:00 – PARADE of Quintades from Placeta del Convent to the bull arena for fun and games.
19:00 – GATHERING of all the Quintadas in Plaza de la Constitución for the start of the “TUMBALEA” show.
23:45 – Live music with Orquesta TOKIO followed by TUMBALEA until 06:00.
SUNDAY 19th JUNE Día del Niño
10:00 – ENTRANCE of 10 CARRETONES (bull carts) and release of carretones, flaming carretón, and giant bull, organised by Arte Mediterraneo.
11:00 – Exhibition of 4 ENTRANCES of Ganaderias LA PALOMA of Xaló, COVES of Pedreguer, BENAVENT of Quatreronda and CALÍ of Moixent. Between each one, there will be the release of a young calf from each ranch. At the end, prize-giving for the competitions: best pairing for moving the animals (who will then take the honour of repeating the process on Sunday evening); 4th prize ranch; 3rd prize ranch; second prize ranch; 1st prize ranch; best cow; and best bull and young calf.
12:00 – CHILDREN’S PLAY PARK in Freginal with inflatables and water games until 14:00. Bocadillos and soft drinks will be offered to all the children whilst stocks last.
14:00 – GIANT PAELLA for all in Parque Montanar.
18:00 – AQUA DE VALENCIA a gogó, in the Plaza de la Constitución, then a parade to the bull arena in Avenida Palmela.
19:00 – Release of the spectacular TORO CERRIL from the prestigious Ganadería ADOLFO MARTÍN of Lidia and SEVILLANO of Escurial (Cáceres). Special release of the four best cows and two best bulls from Ganadería FERNANDO MACHANCOSES of Cheste. And then, to finish the bull festivities of Fogueres 2022, the spectacular RELEASE of 15 cows from Ganadería LA PALOMA of Xaló.
23:00 – NOCHE DE ROCK with live music from “ARSÈNIC”, “LA FÚMIGA” and “PUPIL·LES”.
MONDAY 20th JUNE Día de la Plantà
07:00 – DISMANTLING of bull cages, until 18:00.
12:00 – Communal Brunch for all the senior citizens of the town in the Centro Social, organised by the Fogueres Commission.
12:00 – Informal PARADE by the Junior Commission, Infantil Court of Honour, and Quintà 2020, Quintà 2021 and Quintà 2022 through the streets of the old town.
19:00 – PARADE of the festeros to visit the sectors of the Port and the Arenal.
21:30 – SERENADING of the Queens and the Presidents, with music provided by the TUNA de Xàbia, starting at Portal del Clot.
22:00 – TRADITIONAL DANCING in Carrer Nou, organised by Grup de Danses Portitxol.
23:00 – INSTALLATION of the Foguera Central in the Plaza de la Constitución and the Foguera Infantil in the Placeta del Convent, with the collaboration of Quintadas 2020, 2021 and 2022.
23:00 – TOP TALENT MUSICAL in the Plaza de la Constitución. Followed by a disco until 04:00.
TUESDAY 21st JUNE Día de la Ofrenda
12:00 – PARADE of the festeros to visit the sectors of Thiviers and Freginal. The residents of Freginal will offer some wine in honour of the visit to their neighbourhood.
14:30 – GIANT TORTILLA and beer, offered by the Fogueres Commission in the Parque Montaner.
19:30 – First day of the FLOWER OFFERING to Sant Joan, in the Plaza de la Iglesia, with the creation of the flower tapestry organised by peña “LA PATXORRA”. (Participation is open to the public in general, quintadas who would have celebrated special anniversaries in 2020 and 2021, plus Quintà 2020 and Quintà 2021).
00:00 – TRIBUTE SHOW “MECANO” in the Plaza de la Constitución, followed by a disco with DJ MITCH VAN STAVEREN until 04:00.
WEDNESDAY 22nd JUNE Día de la Ofrenda
12:30 – PARADE of the Court of Honour, Ladies and Queens to visit the decorated streets of the historic centre. Afterwards, BURNING of the Foguera of the Day Centre Santa María de Betania in Placeta del Convent.
19:30 – Second day of the FLOWER OFFERING to Sant Joan, in the Plaza de la Iglesia, with the creation of the flower tapestry organised by peña “LA PATXORRA”. (Participation is open to the schools, peñas, quintadas celebrating special anniversaries in 2022, other fiesta commissions, Junior and Infantil Courts of Honour, plus Quintà 2022).
23:30 – Live music with ORQUESTA TITANIC until 04:30.
THURSDAY 23rd JUNE Nit dels Focs
08:00 – DESPERTÀ (bangers and rockets) through the streets of the old town, organised by Peña “FADRINS, BORRATXOS I FINS”.
11:30 – OFFERING OF GRAPES AND FIGS (Raïms i Bacores) to Sant Joan. During the PARADE, there will be “INDULT DEL NINOT” of the Foguera Central and Foguera Infantil, the selection of the figurines that will be saved from the flames.
18:00 – GATHERING of the Quintadas 2020, 2021 and 2022, bands and charangas in the Plaza de la Constitución.
18:30 – PARADE of the Quintadas 2020, 2021 and 2022, bands and charangas from Plaza de la Constitución to Avenida del Pla.
19:00 – First day of the FLOAT PARADE with the participation of quintadas who would have celebrated their special anniversaries in 2020 and 2021, the Junior and Infantil Courts of Honour, Quintà 2020, Quintà 2021, and Quintà 2022.
21:00 – CHILDREN’S EVENING OF FIRES in Calle Virgen de la Soledad and Calle Jesús Nazareno, organised by peña “ELS ESTORATS”.
23:30 – The traditional NIT DELS FOCS DE SANT JOAN, declared a fiesta of local tourist interest in the Comunidad Valenciana, organised by the Fogueres Commission and with the collaboration of the Quintadas 25th anniversary “QUINTÀ CAVALLERÍA”, “QUINTÀ QUE NI PINTA” and “QUINTÀ MIRA SI EN SOM”. Afterwards, BURNING OF THE “OLD JUNK” (Trastos Vells) in Calle Raval de Baix, organised by peña “EL GERROT”.
The second act of the evening will be the Spectacular CORREFOCS by Xarxa Teatre, from Calle Raval del Baix to the Plaza de la Constitución. Aftewards, the SENSATIONAL SHOW of TALLARINA ON TOUR SANT BERTOMEU SHOW until 06:00.
FRIDAY 24th JUNE Día de Sant Joan
08:30 – DESPERTÀ (bangers and rockets) through the streets of the old town, organised by Quintà “LA REBOLICA”.
11:00 – PARADE to collect the courts of honour, the ladies, presidents and Queens.
12:00 – MASS IN HONOUR OF SANT JOAN in the Plaza de Xàtiva in Freginal. Afterwards, chocolate with sweets for all attendees.
12:00 – SOLEMN MASS in honour of SANT JOAN in the fortress-church of San Bartolomé in the heart of the historic centre of Xàbia with the participation of the polyphonic choir “ARS NOVA”.
After the mass, there will be a spectacular MASCLETÀ in the Placa de la Constitución, followed by COMPLIMENTARY WINE in the Rui Rau d’Arnauda, offered by the town hall of Xàbia.
18:30 – GATHERING of the Quintadas 2020, 2021 and 2022, bands and charangas in the Plaza de la Constitución and the traditional photo in front of the Foguera Central.
19:00 – PARADE of the Quintadas 2020, 2021 and 2022, bands and charangas from Plaza de la Constitución to Avenida del Pla.
19:30 – Second day of the FLOAT PARADE with the participation of the schols, quintadas celebrating their special anniversaries in 2022, other fiesta commissions, the Junior and Infantil Courts of Honour, Quintà 2020, Quintà 2021, and Quintà 2022. Afterwards, PARADE of all the courts of honour, presidents, ladies and queens to the Placeta del Convent.
22:00 – BURNING of the Foguera Infantil in the Placeta del Convent.
23:00 – Live music with LA PATO in the Plaza de la Constitución.
00:00 – MUSICAL FIREWORK DISPLAY in the Plaza de la Constitución, followed by the BURNING OF THE FOGUERA CENTRAL, and then more live music with LA PATO.
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